Breastfeeding & Covid19

Breastfeeding & Covid19

Can I get the Pfizer Vaccine (Comirnaty) while breastfeeding?
Absolutely, please do! If you are breastfeeding there are no safety concerns about getting the vaccine.
There is also no evidence of additional risks to you or your baby from an approved Covid 19 vaccine.

Prior to receiving the Covid 19 vaccination it is important to discuss this with your health professional as they know you best.
(Reference WHO, Ministry of Health, RANZCOG)

Did you know that if you get vaccinated while breastfeeding your immune system develops antibodies that protect against Covid 19. These antibodies can then be passed through your breastmilk to your baby, which means your baby can benefit from these antibodies against Covid 19. How cool is that?!

According to the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists "Vaccination is recommended for breastfeeding women. You do not need to stop breastfeeding before or after vaccination. The Pfizer vaccine is considered safe."

What happens if you get Covid 19 and you are breastfeeding?
If you are isolating after potential exposure to COVID-19, your breastfed baby should stay with you so that you can keep breastfeeding. Here are some tips to follow:
● Wash your hands before and after touching your baby.
● Wear a surgical mask during breastfeeds.
● Avoid kissing and touching your baby’s face.
● Avoid coughing or sneezing your baby.

Exclusive breastfeeding (only offering baby breast milk) offers the best protection for babies. There is no evidence that the virus is passed on through breast milk.

Most often babies who are breastfed stay healthy even when their parents or other family members are unwell with an infectious illness.
If you are a confirmed case there is no evidence of transmission of the virus in breast milk so keep your baby with you. It is good for your baby to continue breastfeeding even if you are a confirmed COVID-19 case.

To reduce spread while breastfeeding:
● Wash your hands before and after you breastfeed
● Wear a surgical mask during breastfeeds
● Avoid kissing and touching your baby’s face
● Avoiding coughing or sneezing on them
● Clean/disinfect contaminated surfaces
● If you are too unwell to breastfeed, express your milk and someone else can give it to your baby with a clean spoon, cup or bottle
● Your baby will be considered a “close contact” of a confirmed case

Any questions please discuss with your LMC/GP or Immuniser.

Julia Daly
IBCLC/Registered Vaccinator

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