1. Improper Latching:
This is one of the main reasons mums stop breastfeeding early, as an improper latch can lead to low milk production and painful feedings.
My Top Tips for a Perfect Latch
● Aim nipple to nose
● “U” shaped breast
● Be patient for baby to open wide.
● Chin to breast
● Both lips flanged out
These are signs of a good latch.
Listen for swallows
A good feed typically lasts for 10-20 min. Offer both breasts per feed
especially in the early days.
2. Low Milk Production:
Before you doubt yourself, remember that as you listen to baby’s
cues and feed on-demand, it is likely that your supply is just fine.
Below are some of my top tips for increasing milk supply.
● Ensure an optimal latch. If the latch isn’t great, milk is not
being removed efficiently and thus ineffectively signaling the
body to make more.
● Increasing frequency of feeds. Frequency is more important
than overall time spent expressing.
● Double pumping after a feed. Do as many times as you can
throughout the day, start small and work up. Try this for 48 hours.
3. Nipple Pain and Breakdown:
Many problems with sore nipples and pain will be helped by
ensuring a proper latch every time. But here are extra ways to care
for your nipples so that breastfeeding is pain free.
● Keeping nipples clean and dry
● Use nipple cream or some of your milk on your nipples
● If there is a break in your skin or pain persists past 14 days
seek professional help from your IBCLC immediately.
Catching this quickly can help prevent infections and other
Julia Daly